sith happens
an unorthodox review of "REVENGE OF THE SITH"...- if you hated episodes I and II, see this movie.
- if you loved the "original" trilogy, see this movie.
- if you want to see obi-wan kick some galaxy-wide ass, SEE THIS MOVIE.

the highlights:
- R2-D2's return to prominence in the story
- lots and lots of lightsaber fights
- ewan mcgregor's excellent transition from uptight episode II obi-wan to a more playful character... great segue to alec guiness's version of old ben kenobi
- anakin's emotional path to the dark side... christensen has a far better performance once he switches teams, so to speak
- the emperor's calculated manipulation of anakin--as well as his crazy-old-man schtick one his true identity is revealed

- darth vader's first moments in The Suit
- return of the wookiees!
the low points:
- how pregnancy suddenly turns padme into a helpless damsel in distress
- the "romantic" dialogue between anakin and padme
- how leia could possibly remember her mother and luke couldn't just doesn't fly anymore after seeing episode III
- some plot points suffered due to editing/cut scenes to get the movie under 3 hours... like how the jedi ghosts are NEVER FRICKIN' EXPLAINED
- "NOOOOOOOOOO"... vader's pathetically laughable cry of "anger"
the final scene [which, btw, i totally called a year ago] was so emotional, a fitting homage to the original movies. right then and there, you know the saga is complete.
did lucas redeem himself with episode III? i'd say yes.
I was battling with Lew on my blog about my review of ep3. I thought Vader's "Noooo!" was hilarious.
Your breakdown is spot on, tho'. A thoroughly entertaining movie. Not flawless at all, but a load of fun and nearer the end, genuinely engaging.
LOL, i was just checking out your review of sith... weird!
i'm picking up the novelization soon, to fill in the plot holes. i hear it explains more about qui-gon.
That's another thing: The way they brought his name up at the end, I thought for sure we were gonna see a Liam Neeson 'ghost' cameo.
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