
purple passion

I had a brush with greatness yesterday in Baltimore. My rugby team has a concession stand at the Ravens' stadium (for fundraising), and I've worked several of the games this season. It's not too bad a gig--once we stop selling beer in the fourth quarter, the line dies down considerably--but you end up working the equivalent of an 8-9 hour day. So it was nice to start my day off with a highlight: my route into the stadium takes me past the autograph line, and there's Todd Heap, ballcap pulled low over his face, quietly signing autographs. I didn't even see him at first, but as I walked right by him, I noticed a TV camera... did a double take, and there's #86, 5 feet away from me!

Even though I have his jersey, I just kept walking--I figure athletes deal with enough crazy fans as it is. ;)

I didn't think the day could get any better after the Ravens thumped Pittsburgh 27-0, but on my way out, I passed by the autograph lines again. I hear somebody call out "Steve, Steve!"--and a nicely dressed Steve McNair is visiting the fans. Pretty sweet.



At 11:09 PM, December 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, dont forget about your tips!!! = )


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