
second game: an uphill battle

Our second game of the season was fought in a muddy cow pasture in Middle of Nowhere, PA. (Actually, Brandywine is quite scenic, I could just never live that far away from civilization.) It had rained that morning, and the field quickly became full of tacky mudholes--a lovely consistency that sticks to your cleats just enough to slow you down, but not enough to suck them off your feet.

By halftime we were down 10-0 (that's 2 tries, but they missed both conversion kicks), and spent most of the game defending our half of the field. One of our girls pointed out that the field was in fact slanted, and the uphill running was slowing down our game. Sure enough, when we switched sides for the second half, our roles reversed and they barely crossed the 50-meter line. We won 12-10... it definitely pays to have an accurate kicker!
